It’s not often that we see projects proposed that are looking to improve recreation access on public lands. The Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Area Improvement projects not only look to improve access but also accommodate larger groups and vehicles. This area is popular for fishing, hiking, kayaking, camping as well as other uses. Generally BRC supports the proposed projects. Comments are accepted until Jan. 18th. You can use our action alert to send a quick comment and add in your own voice if you’d like. You can also read more about the project proposals here.
Georgia: Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Project
Jan 17, 2022 | Action Alert, ATV, Dirt Bike, Dispersed Camping, Fight for Every Inch, Georgia, Motorboat, Mountain Biking, River Raft/Kayak/Canoe, SXS, USFS | 5 comments

Thank you for considering responsible motorized recreation while reviewing your management plans. This will definitely be an incentive in my own vacation plans to visit the area.
it is nice to see the forest service finally providing additional services in enhancing recreation, rather than removing people from the forest! We need more projects like this all across the United States, to reopen trails shut down for no real reason(s) over the last couple of decades.
My Family visit this area and have a great family outings, we ride as a family and would be very dis appointed to lose this privilege
Sounds good. Support.
I’m glad to see you’re considering motorized access for Lake Winfield Scott. This would put it on my list of destinations to plan a vacation to.