The BRC Action Plan for Moab – Five Actions You Can Take to Fight for Our Trails

The BRC Action Plan for Moab – Five Actions You Can Take to Fight for Our Trails

The picture above is the Taylor Canyon Overlook located at the end of a route that the Bureau of Land Management lovingly refers to as Route 1026B. It is one of the 317 miles of trails that will be closed by the final travel plan that the BLM released for this area...
Add Your Organization to Our Letter Opposing the Bureau of Land Management Conservation Rule

Add Your Organization to Our Letter Opposing the Bureau of Land Management Conservation Rule

Proposed changes to FLPMA by the Bureau of Land Management pose a massive threat to our public lands and current uses of these lands. While recreation, mining and grazing are all recognized uses of BLM lands, the rule would designate conservation as a use on par with...
CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: BRC Supports Legislation to Withdraw Proposed BLM Rule “Conservation and Landscape Health”

The Bureau of Land Management recently proposed a new rule to FLPMA to prioritize conservation and landscape health on BLM managed lands. This rule proposes prioritizing conservation on BLM land through a new scheme of selling “conservation leases.” This...
Stopping the Sell-off of Public Lands

Stopping the Sell-off of Public Lands

As we brace ourselves for the onslaught of messages from anti-access groups that opening public lands up for oil and gas leasing is a “sell-off” of our public lands, we want to remind everyone that we’ve had to fight hard during the last 18 months to...
Fighting for an Accessible Lake Powell

Fighting for an Accessible Lake Powell

Lake Powell, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and the areas surrounding Page, Arizona will likely continue to require focused attention from our team. Like Moab, this area regularly draws the attention of those who want to limit access to this area. There has...
Exploring the EXPLORE Act

Exploring the EXPLORE Act

We weren’t planning on covering the EXPLORE Act in the 12 Days of Legal Updates series, because it wasn’t clear if it would survive the lame duck session of Congress. This is a substantial piece of legislation that passed the House of Representatives unanimously...
The Future of the 30 x 30 Land Grab

The Future of the 30 x 30 Land Grab

One of the first executive orders signed by Joe Biden was Executive Order 14008, which called for federal agencies to lock up 30% of our nation’s lands by 2030. It would be difficult to find an organization that has closed tracked all the different ways that agencies...