The project area lies just west of Sutherlin and Oakland, in Western Oregon. The project is primarily for timber harvest that would benefit local economies but throughout the completion of the project, roads will be greatly considered as they are needed to carryout the proposed project. The BLM owns 37,966 acres of the 182,082 acres project area (21%).
The BLM is proposing 5 main things: commercial thinning, variable-retention regeneration (VRH), new road construction, road renovation and rebuilding a bridge over a stream crossing that was destroyed 20 years ago. Let the BLM know we support road construction and road maintenance to keep our public lands open, accessible, safe and clean. Comments will be accepted through August 22, 2024.

The BLM is proposing 5 different management options to the current status and management of the forest (Alternative 1).
- Alternative 2: 3.3 miles of temporary road, 58 miles of road renovation, stream crossing would be re-built, VRH of 1,094 acres, and commercial thinning of 1,094 acres.
- Alternative 3: 16.3 miles of new permanent road construction, 86 miles of road renovation, stream crossing would be re-built, VRH of 2,625, no commercial thinning.
- Alternative 4: 9.8 miles of permanent road construction, 64 miles of road renovation, stream crossing will not be rebuilt, VRH of 1,409 acres and commercial thinning of 161 acres.
- Alternative 5: 16.3 miles of permanent road construction, 86 miles of road renovation, stream crossing would be re-built, commercial thinning of 2,625 acres.
- Alternative 6: 14.6 miles of permanent road construction, 74 miles of road renovation, stream crossing would be rebuilt commercial thinning of 1,667 acres and VRH 738 acres.