The Stanislaus National Forest in Northern California is accepting public comment for its proposed Social and Ecological Resilience Across the Landscape (SERAL) project. This forest is almost the size of Rhode Island.
In August of 2021 the entire forest was closed to public use for Labor Day Weekend:
“Given that fires are behaving in unpredictable and erratic ways, red flag warnings, and extreme dry conditions, temporarily closing the forest is the right thing to do right now to provide for public, firefighter and community safety,” said Jason Kuiken, Stanislaus National Forest Supervisor. Lack of forest management is causing closures even before wildfires ignite causing the public to lose access to their public lands.
The Forest Service has proposed four alternatives with Alternative 1 being the best option for forest management practices. You can read more about the specific details on the Forest Service website here.
Comments are due Jan. 24, 2022. It’s always best to add in your own words and make the comment original.

Please don’t close the forest to motorized recreation.
It is unacceptable to close this natural resource to this generation of children. Now more than ever we need to instill in them a sense of responsibility and stewardship over these priceless creations. Do not allow them to become even more mired in the cesspool of technology.
Dear Sir/Madam:
Time to get back to multiple use: logging, grazing, mining, water, recreation.
Management of resources, not denial of public use/benefits.
Please use a logical and effective plan to keep this forest open. We are all well aware that responsible recreational users are not the cause of our fires issue in California. It is time to responsibly manage our forests in a way that minimizes fires, increases our ability to fight them, and maintains public access to their land.
Please go back to a managed forest program. One that includes logging g, controlled burns and access for everyone including off road vehicles OHV).
California National Forests have been under siege by the bark beetle investments for as long as I can remember. The spotted owl and other environmental nonsense have prevented all National Forests from performing their intended duties which include growing a crop of healthy trees, some to be harvested at a profit to the federal government (USFS is under the Department of Agriculture). It is time to remove these restrictive laws and policies to allow USFS to resume its job including removal of sick and damaged trees and replacing them with healthy seedlings.
It’s time to open public lands to public users that include motorized vehicles. Recreation in public lands is wonderful, and include users of all sorts; respective users will respect the land if they are allowed to use it.
Responsible multi-use forests make the most sense. Harvesting timber while providing places for public access can be achieved while preserving wildlife habitat and natural beauty. They are not mutually exclusive notions. A good plan that takes into account the benefits of forest use and responsibility of protecting the environment should be considered.
i’m against closing public land to the public.
Please do not close any our public lands, in fact open our public lands so we can enjoy it
Back in the day the Forest Service did “Forestry” Not any more they just do whatever the enviro whackos demand. they are powerless.