Pocatello, ID – Today BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) announced the release of the printed version of the Lost Trails Guidebook. The first volume of the Lost Trails Guidebook features 30 trails in Utah that are at risk of closure as part of an ongoing planning process from the Bureau of Land Management. BRC recognizes that the creation of this guidebook was only possible because of a generous grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative and because of the support of our dealer sponsor, Jorgensen’s Power Sports in Richfield, Utah.
Each of the trails identified are located in either the San Rafael Desert, the San Rafael Swell, or in the areas north of Kanab, Utah. BRC focused on trails that include a wide range of technical difficulty and terrain. The trails also lead to spectacular scenery, recreation experiences, historic sites, and amazing dispersed camping sites.

“After participating in years of litigation to keep trails open in Utah, we are finding that the #1 reason trails are being closed in Utah is because of lack of use.” BRC Executive Director, Ben Burr said. “Wilderness groups will claim in legal proceedings that trails are reclaiming back to nature in order to justify permanent closure and obliteration of the trail. We found from our efforts to ground-truth these claims that in almost every case the trails were still there, and we hope the creation of this guidebook will encourage those who visit public lands in Utah to responsibly explore the wide range of trails this state has to offer.”
“We were proud to be the dealer sponsor of the Lost Trails Guidebook,” Dennis Jorgensen, owner of Jorgensen’s Powersports said. “It was an adventure to be part of the effort to ground truth the trails and explore new areas of Utah’s spectacular public lands – especially these areas that are so close to Richfield. We are eagerly looking forward to Volume 2, which will highlight little known trails in the Labyrinth Rims and Gemini Bridges area near Moab.”
A printed book will be sent as a gift to everyone who makes a recommended donation of $25 or more to BRC here: https://secure.anedot.com/blueribbon-coalition/lost-trails-guidebook
The digital version of the guidebook was released in September, and it can be found here: https://blueribboncoalition.org/blueribbon-coalition-announces-completion-of-lost-trails-guidebook-volume-1-that-was-generously-funded-by-the-yamaha-outdoor-access-initiative/