The Meccacopia Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA) located in California just south of Joshua Tree National Park, is proposing several projects that would increase motorized and recreational opportunities. This area is currently managed by the Bureau of Land Management. From what we understand, this project has been in the works for many years and it was originally put on hold in 2018 due to manpower constraints. We are happy the BLM has picked the project back up. Where this area is surrounded by designated Wilderness as well as Joshua Tree National Park, it is crucial for the motorized community to show their support for these projects and increased access.
Typically, we’ve seen Wilderness focused environmental groups work to designate more wilderness and create “buffer zones” around existing wilderness, and we want to ensure that the BLM hears of our support for this project. This proposal is will provide more recreation opportunities to the motorized recreation communities and we appreciate the work that has already been done to move this project forward. There is a long history of mining and military operations in this valley. Please send in a comment of support along with BlueRibbon Coalition using the tool below. Feel free to add in your own thoughts and experiences to your comment to make it even stronger. Comments are due August 15, 2022.

Meccacopia SRMA is home to several well known and well loved jeeping and OHV routes such as the Meccacopia Trail and Little Box Canyon. It is also popular for dirt bikes and ATV’s. The BLM is proposing to create an open OHV area that you can see in the Southwest corner of the map. There is also a proposed campground and staging area towards the middle of the map. This area is also very popular for dispersed camping which we want to protect and see continued improvement for connectivity and access.
This is currently in the “Scoping” stage of the planning process which means this is the first step in implementing any type of plan where the BLM is gathering broad comments and ideas from the public. BRC will continue to update its members as this project progresses. You can read more about the project on the BLM’s site.
Public rec areas are important for the future! Please keep opening up as much areas as we can to help the public get out and enjoy things!
KOH goer here and opening this up will give people more chances and opportunities to grow and use the recreational area!
Pass it
Yes we need to save our la ds
I enjoy recreating and accessing public lands. I believe public lands are crucial for the publics health and provide valuable and unique opportunities. I support the proposed projects for Meccacopia SRMA Recreation Facilities and support any expansion of routes and areas for OHVs and increased resources for recreation users in this area.
Providing the proposed campground and staging area will give users the resources they need in order to better enjoy this public land. I believe this will enhance the user experience and give more options to riding in the Meccacopia area. The open OHV area also will provide more resources to those who choose to use motorized recreation. This area already has substantial amount of designated Wilderness therefore the BLM needs to do all in it’s power to provide recreational opportunities for motorized users as well and I believe these proposals do just that. The BLM should also analyze any additional trails and routes for users to access in order to help user conflict, and connectivity. When users are concentrated into smaller areas, impact is much greater. These roads, trails and recreation areas are crucial for the local economy. The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis showed that in 2019 the outdoor recreation industry brought in $459.8 billion nationwide, and other studies recognize a $12 billion impact for the outdoor recreation industry in New Mexico. By limiting or decommissioning trails the BLM could be harming the local economy and robbing them of potential income.
The Department of Interior recently released an Equity Action Plan that recognized that barriers to accessing public land exist for those with disabilities. Because motorized recreation provides unique and valuable experiences to those with mobility impairment disabilities, I encourage BLM to analyze how this project positions the BLM to reduce barriers to access that exist for those with disabilities as it works to comply with the Department of Interior Equity Action Plan.
That’s a nice looking rig in the picture, but I might be biased!😉 The proposed open OHV area makes sense, since it is basically being used by the public in that manner anyway. Good campsite location also, though it causes concern that more traffic will make its way to “Hotel California” and ruin the spot, or ignore the wilderness boundaries and get those trails closed.
Please keep this land available for recreation purposes
Thanks BLM for expanding OHV recreation areas!
We need to keep public lands open to those who respect and maintain the lands. So many groups have band together to keep this land open and usable for everyone one to share. This is a great area to recreate and should be maintained for public us.
I believe blm recreation is very important not only to allow younger generations to be able to explore and experince what we have growing up but also most avid off roaders help our environment more than anyone. We respect eacother as well as the land so that we can continue to enjoy it and raise our children to explore and help keep the areas taken care of which also helps wildlife. When areas are taken away thats when people that care follow rules and stay out but the people that dont now see an opportunity to destroy the area without worring about other people stopping them from dumping trash and vandalizing rocks in the hills and historical cabins landmarks etc. Care for the environment and let the greater offroad community expand and preserve more.
Keep JV and surrounding land open to enjoy