Overview: Utah’s San Rafael Swell (just east of Green River, UT and south of Price) is home to some of the most spectacular deserts trails of the Intermountain West. The Copper Globe reason provides access to historic mines, scenic overlooks, and a remote backcountry airstrip. Along the outskirts of the San Rafael Swell TMA, there are several lesser-known networks of BLM managed trails. These networks provide access to a nearly untouched backcountry, leading to the extreme solitude that many outdoor recreationists crave. Within these networks, BLM Route SS4588 stands out for its historic value. Located on a bench adjacent to the old Copper Globe mine, this route provides access to a historic landing site and a stunning view of the surrounding landscape.
Getting There: There are several ways to approach BLM Route 4588 within the many existing routes of the San Rafael Swell TMA. Take time to familiarize yourself with the map and coordinates and plan a route that best fits you and your group. Be sure to not head off into the backcountry alone and tell someone where you are going before starting your trip. BLM Route SS4588 turns off of Copper Globe Landing Strip Road at GPS coordinates 38°48’30.22″N and 110°55’56.67″W.

View Full BLM Scoping Map for the San Rafael Swell here: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=7ab9ab7390ae4a3b8131990680a8776f&extent=-12394149.4564%2C4653898.2205%2C-12265811.6859%2C4720857.0573%2C102100
Route Conditions: This route is passable for any high clearance, 4WD vehicle during most seasons of the year. Like all regular OHV roads, BLM SS4588 is a two-track dirt road that occasionally featured grass or hearty bushes growing between the tire tracks where soil is not disturbed by the tires of passing vehicles (see above picture).
Where this trail is remotely located and receives less use and or sees heavy rains during annual monsoons, the casual some may try to assert that the route is redundant, unused, or in reclamation status. Trails like this are often labeled as reclaiming when they in fact see moderate, valid use. Traveling more frequently on these trails helps to keep them on the map.
As always, follow LEAVE NO TRACE practices. Irresponsible recreation leads to ecological damage, road closures, and loss of access to important resources. It is important that motorized users stay on the trail and camp within a 30′ buffer zone on either side of the road.

Please be respectful of the historical value of the site and leave everything as you find it. Vandalism and other acts of destruction often result in rare finds like this becoming closed or restricted to the public. Keep this area open by respectfully and responsibly viewing the site and educating your party about responsible use.
These and other nearby spurs are at risk of closure under claims of natural reclamation if they are not used. Please help us in our fight to maintain access by visiting and responsibly recreating on this and other nearby, authorized trails with your family and friends.

This route report is part of a larger guidebook BRC is completing to educate users about high-value motorized trails that are at risk of closure if we don’t use them. This guidebook will be called the Lost Trails Guidebook, and has been funded by a generous grant from the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative with Jorgensen Powersports as a sponsoring dealer.