Texas only has a small portion of BLM land – approximately 12,000 acres. This area is designated as a special recreation management area just north of Amarillo. The BLM is accepting public comment through November 13, 2023 to gather public feedback on ebikes on all inventoried trails in Crossbar SRMA which total 81.5 miles.
BRC supports Alternative D (Access Emphasis)
Full Briefing
Of the routes accessing current and anticipated recreation destinations, Alternative D would designate 12 for OHV access, a 12-route increase from Alternative A; under this alternative, recreation destinations such as trailheads and camping areas would be more accessible to the public. Alternative D would designate all of the named trails for Class 1 e-bike and all modes of non-motorized use, providing for more recreation opportunities and experiences for all user types than Alternatives B and C. Because it would allow OHV access to recreation destinations and allow combined Class 1 e-bike and non-motorized use on the TMA’s trails, Alternative D would result in more overall recreation access, more opportunities for the full range of user types, but also increase the potential for user conflicts as compared to the other alternatives.
This plan should protect access for dispersed camping. Camping in the Crossbar SRMA is popular and is used by local universities for educational purposes. Allowing e-bikes and designating the two track routes allow continued and better access throughout the project area. Please submit a comment to the BLM by inputting your information below to keep recreation open and accessible in Texas.