The Bureau of Land Management has opened a public comment period regarding preliminary maps and alternatives for the Henry Mountain and Fremont Gorge planning area in central Utah. This is one of the largest, most remote, and most rugged planning areas in Utah. These routes provide access for dispersed camping, off-highway vehicles, singletrack, hunting and many organized events to experience the solitude found in this area. The comment period will close June 10, 2024. You also must register for the virtual public meeting scheduled for May 28 at 6pm. We need everyone to review the interactive map and see if there are trails proposed for closure that you use and love or trails that you would like to experience one day. Alternative B closes the most routes however all alternatives close far too many. If there are any defining features you know of that these routes lead to please include them in your comments. Add trail specific comments at the beginning of the pre-written letter that will be generated when you enter your information below. You can also submit route specific information using the Utah Public Lands Alliance Trail Saver to ensure the recreation community creates a substantial record for this plan.