The Bureau of Land Management near Missoula, Montana is looking to perform routine forest management to protect the forest against the threat of catastrophic wildfire. Add your voice to support common sense management of public land:
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Many people associate forest vegetation projects on public lands with the U.S. Forest Service however, the Bureau of Land Management also proposes and implements forest proposals as well as they manage approximately 58 million acres of forests across the United States.
According to the BLM,
“The BLM manages forests and woodlands in accordance with the multiple-use, sustained yield mandate of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 which means everything that forests provide today will also be provided in the future.”
Therefore the BLM should be actively engaged in forest management as to not allow the catastrophic wildfire to run rampant and destroy land, wildlife and ecosystems. The Clark Fork Face Project in Montana is accepting public comment to treat over 19,000 acres of public land with various fuels reduction methods in order to provide a safer forest on BLM managed land.
4,519 acres of the project area aren’t included for any type of treatment because they are already roadless area and “protected habitat”. Below is what the project is proposing which clearly isn’t too aggressive, irresponsible or destroying the forest. As lawsuits against public land agencies have increased, vegetation treatments have decreased causing wildfire to increase.

Treating forests are proving to be good for environmental health according to many environmental experts.