This is the first installment of our annual 12 Days of Legal Updates series that we publish in December to give a brief update on our biggest fights. We work on a broad range of issues at BRC that affect recreation access all across the country. Some of our fights get a lot of public attention. Some of our work happens quietly in the background.
It has now almost been two years that we have been engaging on water management policies of the Bureau of Reclamation. Plans for Lake Powell and Lake Mead are currently being updated, and these new plans will impact all water users in the Colorado River Basin.
Recreation in these National Recreation Areas has become a substantial contributor to the local economies near these reservoirs, and thousands of BRC members enjoy recreating on these lakes.
Today is a deadline for our members and supporters to share support for the Bureau of Reclamation’s plan to sustain these reservoirs. We believe the current plan incorporates management principles to address low water levels that we have been advocating for.
While we are always preparing for legal challenges to management plans that hurt our members, this plan to sustain our reservoirs is a great example of how engaging productively in the planning process can prevent the need for legal challenges. We know that thousands of our members shared feedback on these plans, and the agency is responding with a reasonable proposal that is in line with what we support.
If you haven’t added a comment yet to support this propsal, we encourage you to take a few minutes of your time and send a quick note to the Bureau of Reclamation to share your support for the plan to protect Lake Powell and Lake Mead.
keep our lands free